Hi, I'm B. Kaveesh
Motivated Software Engineering graduate with a TopUp degree from LMU and undergraduate from University of Kelaniya, eager to embark on a career. Proficient in Java and C#, with a keen interest in web technologies. Skilled in technically designing, testing, and maintaining software solutions. Possesses strong analytical skills, proactive attitude, and a commitment to delivering quality work
SmartGrid Lab Website
Full functional website developed with Laravel/PHP with jetstream/Node.js and MySQL database
Site is developed for publish research, projects, news and administrations. sgrl.elect.uom.lk
Technology : Laraval/Jetstream | PHP | HTML | CSS | JS | MySQL | Ubuntu
Powergrid solution Website
Landing page for powergrid solution company with PHP, HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap.
Site is developed for publish services, projects and advertistments. powergrid.lk
Technology : PHP | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Ubuntu
Netflix Clone for Coursework
Fully functional netflix clone that almost same to real netflix site developed for university coursework
Application developed using ReactJS, SpringBoot, MySQL and Stripe Payment
Technology : React.Js | SpringBoot | HTML | CSS | Stripe Payment | MySQL
EMS Cloud - Music App
Fully complete music app designed with Figma for UI/UX coursework
Technology : Figma | Unsplash | Figma Icons
Resturant Website
Fully functional resturant website that facilitate table reservation, registration & login, food online ordering, online payments and all resturant services with one website
Technology : PHP | HTML | CSS | JS | Stripe | PHPMailar | MySQL
MediHelp Hospital Management system
Web application for small hospital develop for different users and multiple access levels that fully automate hospital operatios and streamline patient services by reducing paper work and manual operations
Technology : React.Js | SpringBoot | HTML | CSS | Email.Js | MySQL
Aerospace Shopping Site
E commerce applicattion that targets highers social levels that facilitate services to purchase and customize aerospace products to customers including operations on both customers and admins
Technology : ASP.NET | HTML | CSS | JS | Bootstrap | Stripe | MSSQL
Hospital Management System
Standalone desktop hospital management system developed with C# programming language that can be operate only for hospital staff with MSSQL database
Technology : .NET | C# | MSSQL DB
Country Railway Service website
Web site for railway passengers to seat reservation, ticket booking, online payments, passenger registration and login as well as admin operations for managements purposes.
Technology : React.Js | SpringBoot | HTML | CSS | Email.Js | Stripe | Google oAuth | MySQL
Vehical Rental Service
Standalone desktop application for record vehical and customer details for vehical rental service to streamline company's operations with MSSQL database
Technology : .NET | C# | MSSQL DB
AI Chatbot
Computer-based voice assistance for the hospital environment. The patients or any person who is coming to have services from hospital can use this system to get help before they meet hospital staff or can be taken instant relief solution before meet a doctor.
Python | NumPy | TensorFlow | Pickle | NLTK | TTS | Pyttsx3 | Tkinter | Keras | JSON